Behavioral Health Resource Center


Multnomah County

Multnomah County’s Behavioral Health Resource Center is a unique community resource in the downtown Portland area. The BHRC is the result of collaborative visioning by the County’s Mental Health and Addiction Services, Behavioral Health Services, Joint Office of Homeless Services and other mental health service providers. The BHRC prioritizes services for people with mental illness who are experiencing houselessness.

Multnomah County purchased the existing 24,000 SF, 4-1/2 story building, constructed in 1918, located in Portland’s downtown core, where these services are needed most. The project includes a day center with support services, shelter beds and transitional housing.

Key features of the project design include:

  • Design and programming included a peer group of current and previous users of mental health and homeless services

  • Restrooms / showers, computers and a community kitchen for day-use participants

  • A large, secure outdoor plaza for participant activities

  • A focus on trauma-informed and biophilic design principles

  • An eco-roof and other environmental building standards to meet LEED-Gold certification

  • An energy-efficient ventilation system that provides 100-percent outside air changes, in response to COVID and other population needs.